The Society for Buddhist Culture and Socio-Educational Research, Hyderabad.
(Regd No 5978/2001)
The Society for Buddhist Culture and Socio-Educational Research, Hyderabad is purely a Social, Religious, Non-Political, Nonprofit making, and Non-Government Organization (NGO). It has a view to cooperate with other National and International Organizations having similar aims and objectives.
Initially mandated to impart education, Coordinating the Buddhist Upasakas/Upasikas through close Natiinal and International Networking.
- To Assist Buddhists in becoming self-reliant and self-sufficient.
- To improve Social, Religious, and Economic dimensions through poverty alleviation in rural and urban areas.
- To establish Educational facilities. (Buddhist Mission Schools).
- To Spread Human Resources Development activities through Education, Literacy campaigns, Cottage and Agro-Based activities.
- To Establish a Community based Religious Research and Training Centres.
- To Spread Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Thinking and his Philosophy about Buddhism and social reforms.
- Rehabilitation for Children, old age, and the Mentally, Physically Handicapped and destitute men and women.