The Society for Buddhist Culture and
Socio-Educational Research

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The Society for Buddhist Culture and Socio-Educational Research, Hyderabad.

(Regd No 5978/2001)


The Society for Buddhist Culture and Socio-Educational Research, Hyderabad is purely a Social, Religious, Non-Political, Nonprofit making, and Non-Government Organization (NGO). It has a view to cooperate with other National and International Organizations having similar aims and objectives.


Initially mandated to impart education, Coordinating the Buddhist Upasakas/Upasikas through close Natiinal and International Networking.

  • To Assist Buddhists in becoming self-reliant and self-sufficient.
  •  To improve Social, Religious, and Economic dimensions through poverty alleviation in rural and urban areas.
  • To establish Educational facilities. (Buddhist Mission Schools).
  • To Spread Human Resources Development activities through Education, Literacy campaigns, Cottage and Agro-Based activities.
  •  To Establish a Community based Religious Research and Training Centres.
  • To Spread Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Thinking and his Philosophy about Buddhism and social reforms.
  • Rehabilitation for Children, old age, and the Mentally, Physically Handicapped and destitute men and women.

SBCASER- Sambodhi Mahila Empowerment Group

was proposed by Mrs Seema Bahadure, Mrs Sharda Gondane, Mrs Keshar More , Karuna Wasnik and Supported by some lady members in the year 2000 as a self help group among ladies to meet their important economic needs and share their experiences and how to help in some kind of entrepreneurship qualities in their day today activities. The aim and objectives of this Sambodhi Magala Sangha were published in SBCASER Souvenir of 2001. This group is exclusively for those who are life member of SBCASER. The contribution was started with Rs. 1000/- P. M. and making a get-together at suitable places. Now fund contribution has been increase to Rs. 2000/- pm and now it has increased to Rs. 3000/-. The total amount is given to the needy member every month so that every member is benefitted equally. This has improved the spirit of equanimity, a Buddha’s principle of equality, fraternity and unity. Every year membership number has been increased initially from 10 to 30 now. This Sambodhi Mahila group has been appreciated by every body as a separate wing of SBCASER in tri-city. All transactions now are being done online for which activity two ladies have been taking care for the collection distribution and maintenance of its monthly records transparently for which some remuneration is given and they are put on rotation so that everybody gets experience in managing the various challenges they may come across and share the same.

  • SBCASER Library Project for Students in Five Buddha Vihars.
  • Emergency interest fund for needy BPL Buddhist Families
  • Matosri Ramai Arogya Nidhi for Hospitalization fund up to Rs 10000 on a repayment basis in Hyderabad Jurisdiction of SBCASER Members.
  • Fellowship /Scholarship for Buddhist Sagacious poor Students up to Rs 10000 on refundable basis.

Research Impact

  • Buddhist Culture Information System
  •  Issues of Upasakas in Buddhism followings
  • Management of Buddhist culture and Socio Educational Research project and Coordination
  •  To develope Scientific Temperament to forecasting the development of Buddhist vision.
  • Imbibing the Abhidhamma Knowledge, the Spiritual Practice through Meditation practices through workshops and visiting Ancient Buddhists Monument Spread all over the World..!
  • Methodology for training need-based assessment for Buddhist culture and Socio-educational development.


Change is the Universal way of life, SBCASER in the wake of liberalization, globalization, and Sustainability issues faced by Indian Buddhists. The Thrust of this Society is for Futuristic sustainable development such as


To Spread the Buddhist Network at the National and international level to coordinate within the Upasakas/Upasikas and Bhikkus (Monks) Sangha to update the Buddhist Profiles through digitalization as a global village for the restoration of Buddhist Culture.


To facilitate the creation of an ecosystem for children to flourish within their adoptive and birth families.Respect for Human Rights, Commitment, Transparency, Integrity, Excellence, Compassion for all living beings. To bridge the gap between urban and rural for the country India.



H. No. 8-30/Q/4,

New Hema Nagar, Road No 6,

P.O Uppal, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500039 (T.S)

Dr. D.M. Bahadure  




K H Dongare

98204 39120

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